Defining Cloud Security: A Framework For The New Era Of IT Security


As cloud computing has become more popular, it’s important to understand the security implications. In this article, we’ll explore what cloud computing is and how it affects your organization’s security. Then we’ll look at some of the biggest threats to you in a cloud environment and how you can mitigate them with a secure infrastructure.

What Is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction. This cloud model promotes availability and is composed of five essential characteristics: on-demand self-service; broad network access; resource pooling; rapid elasticity; and measured service

Definition of Cloud Security

Cloud security is the process of protecting data, networks and systems from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification and destruction. The definition of cloud security is evolving as the industry matures. Cloud computing has become so pervasive in today’s organizations that it’s no longer enough to think about security as a discrete technology that protects enterprise assets like servers or applications; instead you must consider how all aspects of your IT ecosystem need protection–from endpoints all the way up through your network infrastructure.

Cloud security encompasses many different areas including identity management (IDM), risk management and compliance (RMC), encryption/key management (E/KM), threat detection & response (TD&R) as well as others such as physical security which we’ll cover later on in this guide!

The Role Of Cloud Security Managers In An Organization

A cloud security manager is responsible for the security of their organization’s data and systems. They are tasked with implementing and maintaining security policies, as well as implementing and maintaining security measures.

Building a Secure Cloud Infrastructure To Support Critical Applications

The best way to ensure that your data is secure in the cloud is by building a secure cloud infrastructure. This means deploying security controls at every level of your organization’s IT environment, from the edge gateways through the data center and all the way up to application delivery. You also need to make sure that these controls are designed specifically for cloud environments so they can be easily managed by on-premises administrators or third-party providers like us here at [company name].

As we’ve discussed above, there are many different ways that attackers might try and gain access to sensitive information you’re storing online–from brute force attacks against passwords (which can often be thwarted using strong authentication techniques) all the way up through social engineering scams where they trick someone into giving them access via phone calls or emails with false information about who they really are. It’s important not just because it protects against these specific threats but also because it sets up some good habits when dealing with other aspects of cybersecurity later down line; after all: if someone has already proven themselves untrustworthy once then why would anyone trust them again?

Use Trusted Networks, Encryption and Authentication When Moving to the Cloud

Let’s start with a bit of background. The cloud is not just another technology; it’s a paradigm shift in how we think about data, infrastructure and applications. It requires you to rethink how your organization operates and what its goals are.

The first step towards defining your security strategy is defining those goals–and making sure they’re aligned with the rest of your business’ objectives. As an example, let’s say that one of your goals is for employees within the company to be more productive by using new tools like Slack or Trello instead of email (which can get bogged down with spam). In order for this goal to happen successfully without compromising security standards or causing other problems with compliance regulations (or even just making sure people don’t accidentally send sensitive information), there needs to be some kind of plan in place beforehand so everyone knows what their role is when working remotely via cloud services like these ones mentioned above…

Protect Your Data With Strong Access Controls and Encryption

In order to protect data, you have to encrypt it. That’s the only way to keep it safe from attackers.

Data in motion: You can’t use encryption for all of your data at once, but if you’re using a cloud provider that supports encryption for connections between their servers and clients (which most do), then this is one area where you should be able to protect all of your company’s sensitive information as it travels between devices and applications.

Data at rest: If you need secure storage on-site or off-site, then encryption is required because unencrypted data will be vulnerable at any point along its journey through cyberspace–from when it leaves one computer until it arrives at another place where someone else might get their hands on it.

Data in use: Encryption protects files while they’re being accessed by applications like Word or Excel; this means that even if someone steals those files after stealing them from an employee’s laptop while he was away from his desk during lunch break (a scenario we’ll talk about later), no one will be able to read them without knowing how exactly how each file was encrypted before opening with special software called “decryptor.”

Ensure Data Is Always Ready To Go with Disaster Recovery Services From Cloud Computing Providers

Disaster recovery is the process of restoring your data and applications after a disaster. It’s important to note that this doesn’t refer only to natural disasters like hurricanes, but also includes man-made incidents such as fires, power outages and even cyberattacks.

The goal of disaster recovery is twofold: firstly it must ensure that your business can continue operating with minimal disruption; secondly it must enable you to recover from any type of outage within an acceptable timeframe so that you can resume normal operations as quickly as possible. To achieve these goals requires careful planning ahead of time when selecting cloud computing providers who offer reliable disaster recovery services with high uptime SLAs (Service Level Agreements).

A secure cloud computing environment is the basis for moving your organization into the future.

It’s important to note that cloud computing is a broad term that encompasses many different types of services and technologies. Cloud computing can be thought of as a way to use the Internet as an extension of your organization’s infrastructure, allowing you to store data, access applications and run processes remotely.

Cloud-based services enable businesses to achieve greater efficiency by consolidating their IT resources into a shared pool of resources that are easily accessible from anywhere in the world. This enables them not only reduce costs but also increase agility by delivering new products faster than ever before possible before without having any upfront capital expenditure necessary for hardware acquisition or maintenance costs associated with running those systems locally (e..g: power consumption).


We hope that this article has helped you understand the importance of cloud security and how it can benefit your organization. Cloud computing is here to stay, and with it comes great opportunity for businesses to grow. But don’t let that dream turn into a nightmare! Take the time now to make sure your data is protected and ready for anything life throws at it by choosing a provider who understands how important their role in protecting our world really is

Cornell Dolbin

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Cloud Security Defined in Plain English

Thu Feb 9 , 2023
Introduction Cloud computing has been around for awhile, but many people still don’t understand how it works and what the benefits are. This can make it hard to determine whether or not cloud computing is right for them. So let’s break it down into plain English: what is cloud security? […]
Cloud Security Defined in Plain English

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